Who can benefit from Chiropractic?


Everyone!!! Chiropractic care focuses on how the body functions as a whole. The entire body is controlled by the central nervous system and that nervous system is protected by the skull and spine. It then sends nerves out between the vertebra of the spine and those nerves keep branching until they reach their target. That nervous system is what tells your body what it needs to do with out you having to think about it. Those nerves going between the spine can be hindered by misalignments, or subluxations, in the spine. Whether a new born or 100 years old that nervous system is what controls everything.


Children of any age are maybe the most important candidates for chiropractic care. Birth is a traumatic process no matter what form it comes in and they cannot tell you when something hurts. Crying can mean they are tired, hungry, need a diaper change, just crying or that they are in pain. In a perfect world all babies would get adjusted on the way home! If you’re noticing your baby crying when placed in certain positions, having difficulty feeding, or keeping their head a certain way they are a candidate for chiropractic. Very gentle adjustments specific for babies are used to get them subluxation free. You may even notice they eat, sleep, and poop better, are not as fussy, and are overall happier.


From the time kids start learning to crawl they are in for a lot of bumps along the way. These bumps may not look like much but they add up. You may notice they are not crawling evenly side to side or their walking pattern may look funny. Many times simple adjustments can help and it can avoid the development a compensation pattern. As kids get older they start sports and get more rowdy. Again all these bumps add up and can cause pain or interference in the nervous system.

Now with all of the electronic use, we are seeing more neck complaints in kids. This can cause headaches, migraines, and the inability to focus among other things. This neck pain has been nicknamed “text neck” or “tech neck” and can lead to early degenerative changes. Proper posture and chiropractic care can get your kiddo feeling better.


Aging does not have to mean aches and pains to go with it. Whether your a manual laborer, work at a desk, a stay at home parent, mom to be, or retired, you put your body through a lot of stresses everyday. Chiropractic care can reduce the wear and tear on your body. Misalignments in the spine can influence aches and pains you feel in your knees, hips, and shoulders, really anywhere. Dr. Emily also does extremity work so you’re in luck if it is not from your spine.

Headaches and migraines common complaints we see in adults. Many times it is casually mentioned and not a main reason why they are seeking chiropractic care. While there are many reasons you may be getting headaches, a proper evaluation can determine if your spine is playing a role in headache development. These are not things you should call “normal” in your daily life. Getting to the root cause can get you the relief you need.